[The Last 15 Day Challenge] The Best Compliment.

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It’s the last topic of the 15 Day Challenge! I am able to finish it after all! The last topic of this challenge is “What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?”

First thing first, what is ‘a compliment’? Well, according to Wikipedia, a compliment is an expression of praise, congratulation or encouragement. Additionally, based on Oxford Dictionary, compliment is a polite expression of praise or admiration. As for me, the definition of compliment itself can be considered as an appreciation of something you do or even just for your existence. And why do exactly we need a little compliment in our life? As pointed out by Psychology Today, compliments are one of the most wonderful components of social life. Since when it is given rightly, it can produce a lot of positive energy. Moreover, compliments are a mark of awareness and consciousness. Thus, I believe a little compliment is needed here and there as it is one of the ways for you or everyone to express their appreciation.

For me, accepting compliment is like understanding how a person sees you at the time. I really appreciate every compliment given to me, even if they are a white lie; I really have no problem. Nonetheless, if I was asked the best compliments that I have ever received, I would say that when a friend of mine, in elementary school, said that I am his music. The chronology was, he gave me a CD which consists of songs that he said remind him of me. And, there was a sticker covering the CD, it said ‘lia, my music’. Initially, I didn’t really think of it as important or anything, it just passed by me. My friends said that he liked me but I didn’t so I didn’t really acknowledge this before. However, as I grew older I understand how special this compliment is. To say that a person is their music, it’s like showing that they can’t live without you. Because I mean, who can live without music? Music is like everything in life. It brings you joy, sadness, anger and so many other feelings. In short, music gives you tons of emotion that you couldn’t live without, it makes you feel alive. I am fully aware that the compliment may not mean the way I understand it, we were just kids at the time after all and it’s obviously open to any interpretation.

Conclusively, I just want to say I am really honored to be given such compliment and would like to say sorry for I didn’t really acknowledge it at the time and thank you since I didn’t get a chance to say it from the bottom of my heart. So, thank you, you know who you are, and I really appreciate it.

To end this post, I cannot believe I can finally say that this will be the last post of the 15 Day Challenge. I’m very happy with the fact that I manage to complete the challenge despite being late for a lot of time.

Thank you to anyone who spare their time to read my 15 Day Challenge, and I will see you on the next post!
