[15 Day Challenge] Something I've Always Wanted to Do.

source: tumblr.com

 Hello people on blog world! How are you feeling these days? At last, after taking a few days off and broke my own promise to post every day (well, what’s new), I finally come back! I’m going to continue to do 15 Day Challenge and this would be my sixth post of the challenge. Going straight to the point, today’s discussion will be “What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t? Why not?”

I do believe that I have lots of things that I want to do and I haven’t done it because of various reasons, such as writing a book and many more. However, the first thing that comes to my mind when I see this question is traveling. Even since I can remember, I always want to travel around the world or at least go somewhere out of my country.

My first reason would be, I’d love to experience something new. I’d love to see different views or feel different atmosphere. I know, having new atmosphere does not necessarily mean that you have to go outside of the country; you can just get out of the city. Nevertheless, I feel like when I'm in in different country I can have new perspective because obviously we share different beliefs, culture or custom. Those are the things that interest me beside of the view. The culture, the beauty of difference, I get to see things from many point of view with different set of eyes when I learn new culture. Well, at least that is what I hope I would earn.

Why haven’t I done it?  Unfortunately, traveling is not free and could cost a lot. So my main issue is expense. Moreover, I haven’t had the chance to earn my own money. Well, I actually have but I don’t think it will be enough. And maybe, one of the additional reasons is I’m not good at savings. That’s why I can’t seem to have enough money to travel. I’m really easily to get tempted at buying things I don’t necessarily need (Opss!).

Anyway, the point is I’ve always wanted to travel far but I haven’t had the courage, the expense also the opportunity to have one; thus, hopefully, someday, I’d have to opportunity to go and share my experience here.

What about you? What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the chance to do it?
