[15 Day Challenge] Slacks? Yes, Please!

not me! obviously! source from google.
Hey! It’s the third post of 15 Day Challenge and now I’m going to discuss about an article of clothing that I am deeply attached to these days. So, I’ve always been a fan of jeans and I still am. However, when I started my internship I cannot use jeans because of course, it is informal. Therefore, I have to find an alternative to use and I found slacks.

I believe the term slacks in Bahasa is translated as ‘celana bahan’. I don’t know if it means different thing out there but that is what I understand from what I’ve searched. Well, there is always a first time for everything right? The first time, I disliked slacks since I didn’t like how it feels when I wore it. I did not even own a single slack, so I borrowed it all from my mum. The pants were simply too light and loose; it did not fit me perfectly like how it will be when I wear jeans. Moreover, I was not really fond of the material either; so, I feel really uncomfortable for the past few days.

source from google.
Getting used to wear slacks every single day and due to the fact that I rarely use jeans anymore, now I feel like I’m in love with it! I love how it fits me and I even like the material. Straightaway, I understand why my mum owned a bunch of them. When I got the chance to use jeans after a while, I feel like it is too tight and chocking my body (I don’t know if that’s because I’m getting fatter. Well, most likely!). 

If I used to wear jeans whenever I hang out with my friends or just stroll around the mall, now I’d most likely choose slacks over jeans because it is extremely flowy and freeing.

So, slacks? Yes, please! I used to underestimate this item of clothing since I don’t feel stylish or whatsoever. But, you know that is not true! You can have plenty of options to mix and match with when using slacks. Finally, the comfort of an item of clothing comes when you feel confident with what you wear!


this is me wearing slacks today :)
