As she sits in the corner of her room, staring blankly to the wall, her mind begins to wonder. “They are right,” she whispers. She continues to stare blankly as she whispers to herself, “they are right, the dark night triggers my senses,” she sigh. She turns to the book on the table, “SENSES” is written on the cover. As she opens the first page, she drowns herself in the world of “SENSES”. The first chapter says:
When people say they know how you feel, do they really? Do you believe that?
You don’t think one can really know how you feel until they are on your shoes, right?

Even if they have ever been in your position, it will not be the same. Everyone faces different reality that they can only understand.

You think when you tell your stories to them and they say, “I know how you feel"; you want to believe that they do when maybe they understand only the half of it, maybe not even close to the half of it.

You want to believe that people know exactly how you feel, so you will not feel like crazy for feeling this way. You want to believe that you are not the only one.

You want to believe that you can follow whatever sense they have which they believe can lead you or them to a better path.

You want to believe that their decision will be better than your own because they still have the senses, the right senses and you don’t.

But, at the end of the day, you began to think. Whose life you are going to live in? yours or theirs?

If you believe the other way around, should you follow them or yourself?

You are allowed to screw up right? It’s your life. You can screw up as much as you want as long as you are willing to learn from it and face the consequences of your own choices.

Let them laugh, talk and call you a fool for your choices, at the end of the day this is your life. You are the one who is going to go through it.

‘You are the savior of your own self’, as one proverb said. You should believe in yourself.

Even if they are somehow right and you are wrong, they can say, "I told you so", you will learn again from the broken pieces of your mistakes and move on.
"This is just an excuse to screw up," she doubts the first chapter of the book.
