[15 Day Challenge] What I Am Looking Forward to.

source: weheartit.com ig: @ghiblistudies

Hello hello!

It’s 8.54 PM here when I begin to type the first word. It’s been a good day. A lazy day, and that what makes it a good day. Well, I’m back again to continue writing the challenge. The challenge that is long overdue. However, I manage to reach the 12th topic of the challenge so I can’t say that it’s really bad due to my habit of procrastinating, I think I’m improving a little… a little but that’s okay right. Anyhow, the topic for the 12th post is “What are you most looking forward to in the next six month?” Hmm, for people who are good at planning things or having a well-organized life, they probably won’t encounter any problem in answering this question. As for me, I’m still living in uncertainty so let’s see what I can look forward to.

Before I start, first, I’d like to state my opinion on why looking forward to something is important. I believe that when you have something to look forward to, you can see life not to be so boring. You will feel like at least you have a reason to do something. You may or may not agree with me on this, but the possibilities of what may happen are really exciting. You can feel motivated. Well, at least for me. Personally, I can’t really point out the exact things that I’m looking forward to in the next six month, but I’m really excited to see where life leads me or what I’m actually going to do in the next months. Currently, I’m unemployed (sad, I know. But nah, not really, lol); therefore, I’m really looking forward to see where I will be or what I may be doing in the next six month. Will I be employed? Or will I be a writer? Will I publish something? Or will I even do anything? That surely depends on what I am going to do. But obviously, those unanswered questions make me looking forward to see what actually will happen. To say the least, I’m curious on what the future has for me. Also, I hope I get to travel somewhere as I always dream about. Oh! And I have a concert next month, so I’m really excited and looking forward to it. I may share my experience at the concert here as well, so another thing to be excited about.

To end this post, I’d like to say be excited for the future! Because you may never know what happen. Perhaps, it sucks to live in uncertainty, but as my friend Jay once said, “Don’t be scared, be excited instead!”

See ya on the next post!


  1. Future is always scary, but we can't live in the past, nor do we stay at the present without making any changes. Nice post, very lifting!


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